Thug iad a Thung thu
The Melbost Bard wrote this song after his nephew moved to Tong from Melbost. He missed him greatly. The verses here convey the happiness that he brought him and how life seemed empty without him closeby. The bard, in his own inimitable way, makes links to the politics of the day, pleading to those in power to change their ways to allow for a peaceful, safer future.
Gu dè ged dh'èireadh a' ghrian,
Gu dè ged a ghoireadh na h-eòin?
Ceòl fìdhle no pìoba cha dèan
Dèan sugraidh dhomh dhùsgadh dham dheòin.
Sèist | Chrous
Thug iad a Thung a' bhradain 's a' mhurain thu,
Thug iad a-null a dh'fhuireach, a lurain, thu;
A-null air an fhadhail mo bhalachan bàn chaidh,
A-null air an fhadhail mo bhalachan bàn chaidh.
Gu dè ged a chinneadh mo bhàrr,
Lìonmhor ged dh'fhàsadh mo bhuar?
Cha lìon is cha bhlàthaich siud d' àit
Às d' eugmhais tha fàs falamh fuar.
Gur binne gu mòr leam do ghàir
Na 'n ceòl thig o chlàrsaich nan teud,
Na 'n uiseag air moch mhadainn Mhàigh,
Na chuthag 's gug-gug aic' air gheug.
Chaoidh do cholainn na agradh an Stàit
Gu bhith leatha 's na blàiribh ri spòrs,
Mar nach biodh annad, a ghràidh,
Ach tàileasg len cluichear air bòrd.
O sguiribh, luchd eanchainnean geur'
Dheilbh lèir-sgrios a dh'oidhche 's a lò;
Ur n-eagnaidheachd cuiribh gu feum
Is fàgaibh mo bhalachan-sa beò.
What if the sun didn't rise,
What if the birds didn't call?
Music of the fiddle or bagpipe can I play.
To raise my mood today
Sèist | Chrous
They took you to Tong of the Salmon and marram you
They took you there to live, dear one,
Across the ford my blonde haired boy went
Across the ford my blonde haired boy went
What if my crops did grow,
And my cattle were plenty,
That wont warm the place
That without you grows cold and empty
How sweet to me your smile is,
Than the strings of the clàrsach
Than the thrush on the May morning
Or the Cuckoo cuckooing on the branch
I worry you and the control of the state,
That you’ll be in battle as their sport,
As if you weren’t my dear
But a chesspiece (pawn) in the hand of the player at the board.
O you 'sharp' minded brains
Designing devastation each night and day
Put your wisdom to proper use
And leave my balachan alive