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Till now available to pre-order

Chaidh ‘Till’ a chlàradh ann an Glaschu thairis air 6 mìosan ann an 2016 ‘s mi a’ gabhail sgrìob sìos a Ghlaschu à Inbhir Nis uair sa mhìos airson a dhol dhan stiùideo. Tha na h-òrain gu lèir cudromach dhomh ann an diofar dhòighean ‘s tha mi air leth taingeil dhan sgioba de luchd-ciùil tàlantach a bha an sàs sa chlàradh. ‘S e urram agus tlachd a bh’ ann dhomh ‘s tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e ribh.


‘Till’, meaning return in English, is a reflection of the time I have spent in recent years back at home in Point, in the Isle of Lewis. The songs and music are from evenings around the kitchen table with my father and research from within the local community. It has been a privilege to record this album, working alongside the most talented of musicians.

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