Nam Faighte Long Dhomh
Another nephew of William Mackenzie was Alexander MacKenzie, known as Sandy a’ Phoileat. He, like the bard, emigrated to Canada. The verses here describe his wish to take the bard home after his death so he could lie next to his beloved Màiri.
Na faighte long dhomh gun cuirinn a-null thu
Far bheil do mhuintirr an Eilean Leòdhais
Is chuirinn fhèin ann an Cladh na h-Aoidh thu,
Mus caidlinn oidhch’ far an robh mi eòlach
Is thus air bòrd innt bu luath a sheòlainn
Is ruiginn Leòdhas gu sgiobalt’ gleusd
‘S chuirinn Canada a-mach à fàire
Na seasadh spàr air a sail na deidh
‘N ear san ear-thuath is mi ga stiùireadh
‘S e sin an cùrsa gu Rònaidh tuath
Dheidh car na cuibhle gu ceann an Tiumpan
Gu Tigh a’ Bhìbear ri roinn na Stòr
Ri dol mu Shiadair gur mi bhiodh cianail,
Ged tha seachd bliadhna bhon dh’ fhàg mi e
‘S mi faicinn saothar do chuirp ‘s do làmhan
Gun cheò no blàths’ ann nad fhàrdach fhèin
Ged bhithinn tùrsach gun cumainn suas i
Cha rachainn tuath ri Sguir Iomhair leth
Ach stiùirinn fhèin i air cùrsa dhìreach
Is gabhainn air tir leatha aig Ceann a’ Bhràigh
Thigeadh do chàirdean thoirt urram bàis dhut,
‘S iad gad ghiulan gu teach na cnamh
‘S nach biodh m’ athairsa dhomhsa sealltainn
An àit’ bu mhiann leat aig àm do bhàis
Chuirinn sìos thu sa chadal iarrain
Far na dh’ fhàg thu d’ fhiacaill, ‘s do bhean ‘s do phàisd
An àit bu mhiann leat nuair dheidh an ùir ort
Ri taobh na triùir ud gu bhith nad thàmh
Ach tha mi ‘n dòchas gu bheil thu sàbhailt
‘S gun coinnich mi fhìn riut ‘s ri mo bhràthair
Far an tèid na h-oidhean a-steach le aoibhneas
‘S cha sguir an t-seinn ann a dh’ oidhch no latha
If I could get a boat I would take you over
To where you people are in the Isle of Lewis
And I would take you to the Eye Cemetery
Before I would spend a night in the place I know so well
With you on board I'd sail swiftly
And I'd reach Lewis in good time
Putting Canada out of sight
Sitting high above the sea in our wake
North and North-West as I'm at the wheel
That's the course for North Rona
After that a turn in the wheel to Tiumpan
To the house of 'Bìbear' towards Stòrr
Going passed Shader my heart would be heavy
Even though there is seven years since I left
Seeing the work and efforts of your hands and body
Without smoke from the chimney or warmth in your home
Though I would be sad I would keep on my journey
I wouldn't stray to the North to Ivor's rock
I would keep her on a steady course
And come ashore at the head of the Braighe
Your family would come to pay their respects,
As they'd carry you to your final resting place
And my father would be there to show you
Where you would want to lie at the time of your passing
We'd lay you down in your eternal sleep
Where you left a tooth, your wife and your child
The place you would desire when time called upon you
To be beside those three at the time of your death.
It is my hope that you are safe
And that one I'll meet you and my brother
Where the maidens enter full of joy
And the singing would not stop, day or night.