Mo nighean donn
I’ve spent many an hour trawling through both Tobar an Dualchais and the Bliadhna nan Òran websites and came across this particular waulking song during one of my searches. Written by the bard for his sweetheart, whilst he was at sea, he sings her praises and promises her riches when he returns, as well as a good strong sailor!
Gur e mise tha fo ghruaim
'S mi 'n taobh tuath dhan an Stòr.
Sèist | Chorus
Mo nigh'n donn hò gu
Hì rì rì hù lò
Mo nigh'n donn hò gu.
'N-dràst' an loch fada choill
'S nach tig Oighrig nam chòir.
Thog iad a' mhailisi suas
'S bheir siud bhuainn gillean òg.
Cha bhi iad a-muigh ach mìos
'S cha bhi 'n cianalas oirnn.
Mo nighean donn choisinn cliù
Ann an cùirt nam ban òg.
Tha mi sgìth cur mo lìon
Ann an iochdar gach òb.
Thèid mi null air a' bheinn
Far eil loinn nam ban òg.
'S bidh mo làmh na do làimh
Dh'aindeoin èildeir tha beò.
'S bhiodh mo làmh mud chùl bhàn
Gad a gheàrrt' i mun dòrn.
Ach ma ruigeas mise null
Gheibh thu crùin na do dhòrn.
Gheibh thu sin is rud nas fheàrr
Maraiche math làidir òg.
Oh how my mind is heavy
as I'm north west of the Storr.
Sèist | Chorus
My brown haired girl ho gu
Hì rì rì hù lò
My brown haired girl ho gu
Right now I'm in the loch by the forest
And Oighrig (Effie) will not be joning me.
The militia has been risen
And that will take away the young lads from us.
They will be out for a month
This will not leave us full of sadness.
My brown haired girl who gained recognition
At the fair of the young women.
I'm tired of setting my nets
In the lower parts of each cove.
I will head over the hill
Where there is the beautiful young women.
And we will walk hand in hand
Regardless of any living elders.
And my hand will be around you
Though I'd prefer to embrace you.
And if I manage to reach over to you
You'll get a crown in your hand.
You'll get that and something better
A good, young, strong sailor.