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Fil o ro

I am extremely grateful to Mairi Macleod, Sheshader, Point who shared recordings that her late auntie Jessie Mackenzie (Sweetag) had collected of local singers. Among the songs was the well known William Ross song Fil o Ro which is commonly sung at ceilidhs. I loved the version of this song and the unusual tune, which is so fitting to the sentiment of the bard, that he did not win the heart of his beloved Mòr Ros

Fil o ro, fil o ro, fil o ro hug eile

Fil o ro, fil o ro, fil o ro hug eile

Air fa le li o agus ho ro hug eile

Chan fhaigh mi cadal sàmhach 

A ghràidh, 's gun thu rèidh rium


Is truagh nach robh mis' agus tusa far an iarrainn,

Sia latha na seachdain, is seachd, ochd bliadhna,

Nn seòmraichean glaiste le clàidheamhan iarainn,

Na h-iuchraichean air chall agus dall bhith gan iarraidh.



Bu bhinne leam do chòmhradh na smeòrach nan geugan,

Na cuthag sa mhadainn Mhàighe no clàrsach nan teudan,

Nan t-easbaig air latha Dòmhnaich, 's am mòr-shluagh ga èisteachd,

No ged a chunntadh stòras na h-Eòrpa gu lèir dhomh.



Is truagh nach robh mi fàgail an t-saoghail seo ro-chianail:

Bha dòchas faoin gam thàladh, 's e 'n gaol rinn mo dhìobhail,

Ged fada bhuam a shiùbhladh tu rim bheò bhithinn riut dìleas,

'S nuair thigeadh Latha na Cruinne 's e Mòr Ròs a dh'iarrainn.

Fil o ro, fil o ro, fil o ro hug eile

Fil o ro, fil o ro, fil o ro hug eile

Air fa le li o agus ho ro hug eile

I will not sleep soundly 

My love, if we can not be reconciled


Is truagh nach robh mis' agus tusa far an iarrainn,

Sia latha na seachdain, is seachd, ochd bliadhna,

Nn seòmraichean glaiste le clàidheamhan iarainn,

Na h-iuchraichean air chall agus dall bhith gan iarraidh.



Your voice is sweeter to me. than the thrush of the branches

Or the cuckoo on a May morning, or the strings of a harp

Or the bishop on a Sunday and the crowd gathered to listen to him

Or if I counted all the riches of Europe as my own



Oh if only I was able to leave this cruel world

Foolish hope deceived me and it was love that has ruined me

However far you may travel from me, all my life I would be faithful to you

And when the Day of Reckoning would come, it would be Marion Ross I would want

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