Clàr ùr 'Till' ri fhaighinn a-nis | New Album 'Till' now available to pre-order
Às dèidh beagan bhliadhnaichean de rannsachadh, ullachadh, mì-chinnt, siubhal, ionnsachadh agus tòrr rudan eile tha mi toilichte gu bheil an clàr ùr agam Till a-nis ri fhaighinn tro làrach seo fhèin agus tro Vertical Records bhon-diugh (20.2.16) ‘s bidh e air iTunes, Amazon is eile air 24.2.16.
Tha aon-deug òrain/pìosan ciùil air uile gu lèir; taghadh de dh’ òrain a fhuair mi bho m’ athair, tro thasglainn agus bhon choimhearsnachd sa Rubha far an do thogadh mi, ‘s còmhla ri sin tha port no dhà air a’ phìob bheag
Ceannaich Till an seo
Faigh a-mach barrachd mun a’ chlàr an seo
I’m delighted to announce that my new album Till (Return) is now available on pre-order from my website and from Vertical Records. It will be available on digital download outlets from next Friday (24.2.17).
It’s been a truly fantastic experience from researching and learning songs from my native Point on the Isle-of-Lewis, trawling the archives, composing some new music and then to have the opportunity to work with musical heroes and great friends. I feel extremely fortunate and I am delighted to be able to share it with you now.
Buy Till here
Find out more about the story behind Till here